Friends or Wolves….fake or real….love or hate…. betrayal or loyalty….family or sworn enemies, well a lot is entailed in this universe, in the human race. Nothing seems new under the sun, we all know the story of Judas Iscariot. Yes the one who betrayed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with a kiss, definitely not every kiss is of love right. I bet you can all agree with me or try to agree with me that not all smiles are genuine. Easy to spot a wide jaw filled with laughter and smiles but difficult to spot a heart filled with envy and hate.
I’ve met people act so friendly yet entirely wolves in sheep’s skin.
Treat their tribe mates and financially stable people differently from how they treat the opposite .
Well this gets me thinking, why the partiality, why not treat everyone the same regardless of their tribe and financial status.
I’ve met people act as lovers yet devourers.
Lovers turn into manipulators.
Love gone sour when expected to get sweeter.
Lovers cheat on each other and act holier than thou.
So it gets me questioning the kind of humans left on earth.
Are they worth one’s love or deserve absolute hate?.
Deceit built upon deceit.
Hatred increasing on a daily basis.
Pride and undeserving entitlement.
Manipulation upon manipulation.
Narcissists hunting their next victim.
At the end of the day, I question if….
love is worth the hurt?
friendship is worth one’s trust and time?
Well I just happened to get my answers.
I need you to pose these questions to yourself….
Do you deserve true friendship and love?
Your answer entirely depends on you.