On 16th August 2024, Kiira Motors held their annual E-Mobility Expo. The event was held at the Kiira Motors headquarters in Jinja. While there, the Kiira Motors team unraveled a new bus assembling plant.

Who attended the Kiira Motors E-Mobility Expo?
It was hosted by Krystal Newman and Ben Mwine who dazzled guests with excellent presentation skills. “The future is green, the future is now” was the theme for the 2024 E-Mobility Expo. Honorable Monica Musenero, minister for science technology and innovation who also owns Kiira Motors welcomed Rebecca Kadaga. Kadaga said that she would love the buses to be used to tour Jinja. She sat in the car for the first time. She said that she looks forward to ensuring that Kiira Motors exhibits their products in USA, Europe and bigger markets. 24th November 2011, President Museveni was the first African President to sit in an electric car in Africa.

Ayo Sopitan at the Kiira Motors E-Mobility Expo
Ayo Sopitan, the CEO of Metalex would later lead a keynote discussion. He made a number of notable mentions this is everything he spoke.
“We have several guests who have come to support us, including media representatives from Tanzania. May I kindly ask the media from Tanzania to stand and wave to us? We are honored by your presence. We also have the leadership of the Bus Operators Association from Tanzania.
We are engaging with them, and we hope to start contributing to their fleets very soon. It is a pleasure to have you here. We have many players from the private sector with us today, including insurance companies like Liberty and Britam, as well as financial institutions like Watu and others. Then, we will begin the work that will bring us back next year on the 15th of August, 2025.” He then concluded by welcoming the CEO of Kiira Motors, Paul Musasizi.
Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga at the Jinja based plant
Paul Musasizi took the honour to welcome former speaker of parliament, Rebecca Kadaga. She expressed gratitude to the founders of Kiira Motors for choosing Jinja as their manufacturing centre. However, she said that the word should be spelt as KIYIRA not KIIRA. She eventually welcomed the General Manager for Luweero Industries Limited, Major General Muzeyi Sabiiti.

Message From Major General Muzeyi Sabiiti
Hello, Honorable Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation, who also served as a consultant epidemiologist to the Government of Uganda and as an advisor to the President of the Republic of Uganda on epidemics and pandemics. Dr. Monica, Honorable Professor Sandy Stevens, Executive Chairman of Kiira Motors Corporation, former ministers, and all invited guests. I acknowledge and respect the protocol established by the CEO of Kiira Motors Corporation.
We are delighted today to witness the first Expo prepared by Kiira Motors Corporation. I bring greetings from the Managing Director of the National Enterprise Corporation, who unfortunately could not be here today due to other equally important state duties.
Why was the 2024 Kiira Motors E-Mobility Expo organized?
Today, we are witnessing the fruition of two important projects today:
1. The production of buses at Luweero Industries, by Kiira Motors Corporation staff working alongside our own staff.
2. The construction of this magnificent state-of-the-art vehicle assembly plant, which includes assembly shops, land offices, land circulation webs, power and water distribution systems, waste management facilities, vehicle test facilities, and more.
When I speak of strategic foresight, I refer to the establishment of Luweero Industries in 1989, which has been pivotal in the manufacture of buses, even as this facility was being developed. The President’s commitment to utilizing this facility, which was established so many years ago, demonstrates strategic foresight. Secondly, his support for the East African Community, which now includes nine countries—Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, South Sudan, and Somalia (with Somalia and the Comoros expected to join)—highlights his dedication to fostering regional and international partnerships.

How Paul Musasizi started Kiira Motors Uganda at university
I vividly recall an incident on the 21st of November, when I was still working with the Presidency. I spoke to the Commander of the Special Forces Group, and we visited Makerere University, where we saw a very small vehicle created by a young engineer named Musasizi. Despite the vehicle’s size, the President showed immense faith in the skills and workmanship of his engineers by entering the car. As a security officer, I was a bit concerned, but also pleased that he emerged safely, without incident. In my notebook, I noted that one day I would commend Musasizi for his work. Since then, the President has been unwavering in his support for Kiira Motors Corporation.
I also want to acknowledge the Minister for ICT and Innovation, Monica Musenero. She is tireless in her efforts, working around the clock, and her dedication is evident in the progress we see today. Kiira Motors Corporation is expected to create over 14,000 jobs for Ugandans. If we achieve our strategic objectives in line with NDP III, especially in other transport solutions like rail, this number could double in the future. The potential is immense.
The National Enterprise Corporation pledges its continued support, collaboration, and partnership in this important mobility journey with Kiira Motors Corporation. This collaboration will enhance our continuous cooperation in product development, production, making parts and tools, skilling of drivers, and strengthening existing and relevant skill sets, such as design, 3D printing, construction, cybersecurity, and the security of infrastructure.
I have personally had the honor of working with the Kiira Motors Corporation team—a very vibrant, focused, and hardworking group. These are not just words; I am not a politician, so I speak from experience. The bonds we have nurtured will strengthen us to tackle more challenges and seize opportunities ahead.
There is an old saying: “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it all the time.” In the same vein, if you aim at something, you will hit it most of the time, though not always, because missing the target is also part of the process. However, our aim is set in the right direction. E-mobility will contribute significantly to reducing the carbon footprint, helping save the world from the dangers of global warming, alongside other socioeconomic benefits.
What is the annual value of cars imported into Uganda?
Today, we’ve received a wealth of information about the opportunities within the automotive sector. To give you a perspective, $700 million is the annual value of cars and automotive products imported into this country. Imagine the impact on our economy if we could substitute even a fraction of that with local production—consider the benefits for our balance of payments and many other aspects of the economy.
Now, I’d like to invite Mr. Allan, Head of Mobility at the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation, to give a brief presentation on our national mobility strategy. This will be particularly insightful for investors, highlighting where opportunities lie, and for everyone else, showcasing the future direction of Kira Motors and more.
Presentation by Mr. Allan Muhumuza At The Kiira Motors E-Mobility Expo
Thank you, David, and I’ll continue with the protocol observed by General Sabiti Muse, allowing me to dive right into the presentation.
To begin with, let me highlight why this initiative is crucial and what steps we are taking to ensure its success. The mobility industry globally is valued at approximately $15 trillion, and it’s projected to grow to $26.6 trillion by 2030, covering key areas like manufacturing, distribution, transport operations, energy, and infrastructure management. Mobility is the single largest contributor to the global economy in terms of GDP.
In Africa, mobility accounts for an estimated 10% of our greenhouse gas emissions, a figure that will increase as the number of vehicles in Sub-Saharan Africa rises from 25 million in 2021 to over 58 million by 2040. If we don’t act, we risk passing on a significant environmental burden to future generations.
What will be the global market for electric vehicles in 2030?
By 2030, the global market for electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to include 200 million of the 1.2 billion cars on the road, which will play a vital role in reducing carbon emissions. This presents a tremendous opportunity for Africa, particularly as we continue to adopt immobility technologies.
In Uganda, private vehicle registrations have grown significantly, from 140,000 motorcycles and passenger cars to nearly 250,000. However, 85% of these are used vehicles with an average age of 16 years—end-of-life technology that contributes heavily to our pollution problem.
How much does Uganda spend on importing vehicles?
Moreover, the financial year 2022/2023 saw $795 million spent on vehicle imports, a significant rise from $100 million in 1996. Together with petroleum imports, this accounted for 27% of our total import bill, a drain on our foreign reserves.
The challenges we face include:
– A significant portion of our import bill (8%) being spent on vehicles.
– Poor energy efficiency, costing us 500 million shillings daily due to traffic jams.
– Kampala being ranked the 5th most polluted city in Africa, with over 13,000 deaths annually attributed to air pollution.
– The potential economic cost of climate change, which could rise to 3% of our GDP if emissions are not curbed.
The Science, Technology, and Innovation Secretariat has prioritized immobility. We’ve organized the immobility ecosystem into a consortium involving both public and private sector players, the fruits of which are evident in the exhibitions you see today.
Our National Immobility Strategy for Uganda aims to position the country as a producer rather than a consumer of immobility tools and solutions, reducing our dependence on imports while improving the well-being of Ugandans. The strategy targets a full transition to electric public transport by 2030 and electric passenger vehicle sales by 2040.
What are the Seven Strategic Priorities of Kiira Motors?
1. Local EV Manufacturing: We aim to develop the capacity to produce half a million electric vehicles annually by 2030. Currently, Uganda has a combined production capacity of 10,000 electric buses and motorcycles.
2. Local EV Battery Production: Given that up to 60% of an electric vehicle’s value is in the battery, this is a key focus area.
3. Electrifying Public Transport: With over 90% of Ugandans relying on public transport, this is essential.
4. Establishing a Charging Network: To address concerns about range anxiety.
5. Human Capital Development: Ensuring that our workforce is skilled and ready for the challenges ahead.
6. Enhancing EV Uptake: Promoting the adoption of electric vehicles across the country.
7. Developing Immobility Standards: Establishing robust standards for the emerging immobility sector.
We have already made significant strides, including the establishment of the one which Industrial Technology Park in Kayunga. Uganda is now recognized as a vehicle manufacturer by the International Society of Automotive Engineers, enabling us to issue globally recognized vehicle identification numbers.
Facts About Kiira Motors Corporation Uganda
Kiira Motors Corporation was the first accredited manufacturer to issue vehicle identification numbers (VINs), and I’m proud to say that Uganda Airlines made history as the first client to receive a Baker Identification Number, 00001. Moving on to the next slide, please.
Regarding EV battery manufacturing, our target is to achieve a combined production capacity of up to one gigawatt-hour of batteries annually by 2040. Currently, we are at over 60 megawatt-hours of production capacity. I would like to give special recognition to Gogo and Soleilpa for their significant work in this space. Additionally, we plan to establish at least one battery recycling facility as production volumes increase. Next slide, please.
What is the Goal of Kiira Motors Corporation?
In terms of public transportation, our goal is to deploy at least 15,000 electric buses for mass transit in Uganda by 2040 and to have fully electrified motorcycles in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area. We also aim to electrify the light rail system. Currently, we have 27 Yola electric buses on the road and over 3,000 locally produced electric boda bodas. Our target is to have 10,000 fast chargers within a 50-kilometer radius, with 3,500 public charging stations.
We currently have 30 DC fast chargers in the country, with four public charging stations in Kampala, and over 140 swapping stations nationwide. Charging infrastructure has been installed in two public offices: the Ministry of Energy at Amber House and the Judiciary. Next slide, please.
For human capital development, our target is to skill at least 250,000 people across the entire value chain. All public universities are offering programs to address the needs of e-mobility. We aim to start 200 mobility clubs at the grassroots level for children as young as three years old and to launch an annual mobility competition. Currently, through the support of the Science and Technology Secretariat and working with Kiira Motors Corporation, we have skilled 101 EV operators and are underway to skill the second cohort of 2,015, free of charge, with support from UNDP. Makerere University, through the Unified Program, has also established a skilling program in technology to prepare engineers for the industry.
Additionally, 200 Ugandans have been skilled under the Gogo program for relevant and innovative vocational skilling, and another 100 trainers are being trained to scale this program to support the value chain. Sixteen mobility clubs have been championed by Kiira Motors Corporation. Now, in terms of adoption, our goal is to fully transition to electric vehicles by 2040. Next slide, please.
Does the government of Uganda support usage of electric vehicles?
As I conclude, the government has put in place fiscal incentives to spur and enhance the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs), particularly within the priority areas effective from this financial year. These incentives include a 10-year income tax exemption for manufacturers of electric vehicles, batteries, and charging equipment, as well as import duty exemptions on many production inputs.
Lastly, I would like to highlight that with all these interventions, we expect a significant impact on the economy, directly contributing at least 4.5% to national GDP, accelerating productivity, creating over half a million jobs both directly and indirectly, and reducing transport-based carbon emissions by 25% by 2040. Thank you so much for your time. I look forward to having more conversations with you. Thank you.
Final Message from the team lead for the National E-Mobility Strategy at Kiira Motors
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I am Allan, the Team Lead for the National E-Mobility Strategy. Thank you. That was actually very interesting. I could see people paying attention. Sometimes it’s nice to talk numbers, and one thing that is very clear is that Uganda has a solid strategy to fully transition to e-mobility by 2040. For many investors in the room, I’m sure you want to learn more. We’ll have more conversations, and of course, an opportunity to network later this evening.
Now, whether in our work or home lives, the more we integrate technology, the more we appreciate creativity and artistic expression. You can see this in the design of Kiira’s buses and the various electric vehicles on offer, as well as the artwork and graphic design around us.
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