Renowned Nollywood actor and comedian, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, has undergone another leg surgery. The National President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Emeka Rollas, disclosed to Vanguard newspaper that the surgery involved the amputation of a portion of the same leg that was amputated just last month.
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According to Rollas, the actor is now grappling with speech difficulties, marking a significant deterioration in his health.
Is it only Mr Ibu Struggling with his health in Nollywood?
This news comes in the wake of heightened concern among the acting community regarding the declining health of Amaechi Muonagor, who has been hospitalized for over two months at Nnamdi Azikwe University Teaching Hospital in Nnewi.
Expressing the gravity of the situation, Rollas acknowledged the grim reality faced by both ailing actors, emphasizing the severity of their health conditions, which reportedly worsen by the day.
Did Mr Ibu Get His Leg Amputated?
Charly Boy, confirming Mr Ibu’s recent leg amputation on social media (formerly Twitter), urged men to prioritize their health. The outspoken personality expressed deep concern about Mr Ibu’s situation, noting that the actor is now legless and questioning the divine aspect of his predicament.
What led to the health Issues Mr Ibu Is facing?
Since revealing his health struggles, Mr Ibu has undergone multiple surgeries and is currently in intensive care. On November 6, 2023, his family announced on his Instagram that the actor’s leg was amputated due to health reasons, a decision made after an appeal for prayers and financial support when doctors recommended the amputation.
Poisoning Issues By His ‘Village People’
In March 2022, Mr Ibu received hospitalization at Zenith Medical and Kidney Centre in Abuja, attributing his health issues to poisoning by his ‘village people’ and relatives during visits to his hometown in Nkanu West, Enugu State. He claimed they poisoned him twice and even kidnapped and poisoned him at an event in Nnewi.
Despite these challenges, Mr Ibu, an Enugu-born actor, has enjoyed a successful career in Nollywood, starring in over 200 films, including popular titles such as ‘Mr Ibu,’ ‘Mr Ibu and His Son,’ and ‘9 Wives.’ The recent health setbacks add a somber note to the illustrious career of this beloved figure in the Nigerian film industry.
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