By Absolom Lubwama
Before chewing gum was packaged and marketed through vending machines in the 19th century, records indicate that it was used for thousands of years all over the world. It served the dual functions of keeping teeth healthy and strong.Some Africans began chewing gum in addition to khat, because the latter is known to induce euphoria and mild stimulation.
Chewing gum does not constitute a meal. Unfortunately, you might be mistaken for someone who is eating remotely.
Chewing Gum Syndrome and Our Egos
Music that quickly becomes “tasteless” is just one example of how many facets of society suffer from this syndrome of fleeting sweetness that ends in the mouth.
We spend a lot of money on food, decorations, and makeup for a few-hour event, and then we return to our struggle to make ends meet.
We believe that items that cost more are generally of higher quality. The child returns to drinking tap water after we stop by their school for a few days and bring boxes of mineral water (some aspects of the water bottling process may be more hazardous than tap water).
Our inflated egos have a sweet, bubble-gum-like flavor. After obtaining a thousand or more likes or followers on social media, we instantly see ourself as influencers, and our hearts pounds with victory. We work hard to keep things under control before our bubble pops, even if that means behaving crudely, obscenely, and violently at times.

In order to claim credit for “content creation,” we would much rather “chew” on a headline these days, copy it, and then repost it with a little video of us in the corner. This is a result of our extreme difficulty in carrying out in-depth investigation and analysis.
The IQ Discussion
A recent X discussion about Africans’ lower average IQs than Americans, Europeans, and Asians drew criticism from some Ugandans, but their weak contributions only served to support Mr. Onen’s (alias Fat Boy) theory. Our distaste for reading is an indication of our low IQ. The advancement of artificial intelligence will ultimately relegate us to the lowest social classes.
Chewing things is likened to chewing gum, tasting their sweetness, and then spitting out the leftovers is our process; we never truly feel like we have accomplished anything.
We will be duped by politicians who accuse colonialists.We will still be easy targets for Chinese pyramid food supplement marketers. Both pastors and herbalists will deceive us with apparent miracle cures.
About the Writer
Absolom Lubwama is a retired accountant and teacher who currently earns a living through event organizing, printing, and publications. His hobbies include indulging in his imaginative pursuits and running a “keep the world green campaign” to promote environmental conservation.For any communication, Absolom Lubwama can be reached via email at

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