The fifth day of Tororo District Census Enumerator Interview saw a number of shortlisted individuals report for the exercise. These were joined by the Parish Supervisors too. Together, the successful individuals (enumerators and supervisors) will be able to help in the 2024 Census that’s due to take place from 9 – 19 May 2024.
The interviews took place in seven Subcounties on Friday, 12 April 2024. From morning to afternoon, the Subcounties of Magola, Iyolwa Subcounty, Iyolwa Town Council, and Ojilai had their interviews conducted. This was from around 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Census Enumerator Interview at Magola Subcounty
With a focus on Magola Subcounty, this is how the interview process was conducted. The venue was not the Subcounty headquarters as had been expected by many. It was rather at Magola Primary School, one of the oldest primary schools in the area. To begin with, the start time was initially set at 8:30, but because of some reasons, this was not possible. A number of individuals made their arrival, and the exercise kicked off with a general roll call to confirm those present were actually on the shortlists.

Document Verification
Next, there was checking of the files to confirm documents such as the Local Council one recommendation letter and accompanying academic documents were present. These had to be photocopies and originals neatly placed in a file. However, there were some individuals who had applied and been shortlisted for both Enumerator and Supervisor positions. Some of them dropped the supervisor position citing stiff competition for a few positions. Others stood their ground and decided they would go ahead with both.
There was a briefing by the Vice Chairperson Local Council Three, Mr. Oloka Ken. He then invited Ms. Nahirya Peace, the Sub County Chief Magola Subcounty who in turn invited an official from the district with whom they were to work with in the exercise. The official told the shortlisted individuals that they all had equal opportunities and should do their utmost best to make it among the finalists.
Census Enumerator Interview Process
The first step was to confirm the papers for the written interview were intact. This was done by the GISO and one of the shortlisted individuals. The question papers were served, and the applicants had 45 minutes to work through the tasks.
After that, a second task was to send a WhatsApp message to the Subcounty Chief’s phone. The message had to include one’s name, address as well as two reasons for conducting census. This was to confirm that the individuals had phones which will actually be crucial during the census
Lastly, the shortlisted applicants were once again roll called as their written scripts were confirmed. Apparently, results are expected by around Monday, 15, or Tuesday, 16 April 2024. Those who make it will be able to commence training from 17 April 2024 for the supervisors.
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