How did Transfiguration Ministry UG start?
In the first quarter of 2020, under the divine guidance of Papa Amos Kamoga, Transfiguration Ministry UG embarked on a journey of spiritual revival among the youth, starting with a humble group of fewer than five individuals. Before the onset of the first lockdown, the ministry had already conducted three prayer retreats. Adapting to the circumstances, the ministry transitioned to online services via WhatsApp, held every day from 10:30 pm to 12:00.
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Where does their Theme of ‘Extravagant Love’ come from?
Scripture: John 15:13 (NKJV)
“Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
What is Transfiguration Ministry UG?
This is a Christ-led generation dedicated to prayer, community outreach, and spiritual growth. According to Papa Amos, “The foundation of our platform rests on the pillars of revival prayer retreats and assisting those in need. Drawing inspiration from Matthew 17, where Jesus was transfigured, we aim to be transfigured into the perfect image of our Master Jesus. Beyond online services, the ministry engages in discussions, prayer nights, and group visits to the prayer mountain for a more personal connection with God.”

What does Transfiguration Ministry UG do?
The ministry is actively standing with brethren across evangelical churches, providing spiritual guidance and tangible items through charity initiatives. Regular prayer nights and ongoing revival meetings contribute to the spiritual growth of our members.

“For a Christ-like Generation…”
Scripture: Ephesians 4:22-24 (NKJV)
“That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”
To conduct revival prayer retreats for spiritual growth and extend outreach to those in need. Transfiguration Ministry UG is a revival prayer and outreach group dedicated to the spiritual growth of all individuals, aiming to see everyone transfigured into the perfect image of the Father through the preaching of the word and the gospel ministration.

Social Media Presence
- Like & Follow on Facebook: Transfiguration-Ministry-UG
- Join our Telegram Group: @transfigurationMinistryUg
- Join our WhatsApp Group: Transfiguration
Hierarchy of Transfiguration Ministry UG
- The overseer is Bishop Meddy Kitakuffe of Grace Tabernacle Church Kasubi,
- The chairperson is Papa Amos Kamoga
- The committee has Anne Asta Kamoga as general secretary, Kigozi Bridget treasurer, Papa Ona Cedric on media, Joram Serugo as Mobiliser and Prayer Secretary, Mama Sarah Lunkuse as elder.
Transfiguration Ministry UG Activities in 2023
- Extravagant Love Season 3 at Grace Tabernacle Church Kasubi on 14th Feb.
- Hoima mission.
- Bugiri mission is upcoming on 19th-22nd November.
- Bennitah’s baby shower.
- Visiting Sister Rose after the birth of her newborn.
- Fundraising for and attending Papa’s wedding on 29th April 2023.
- Weekly prayer meetings at Destiny Prayer Mountain with testimonies of jobs, deliverance, marriage, etc.
Activities in 2022
- Kole mission.
- Spiritual mapping and mini-mission to Kole.
- Extravagant Love Season Two on 14th Feb.
- Sister Rose’s wedding in December (fundraising and ushering at her function).
- Various birthdays received celebration within the Transfiguration Ministry UG.
- Car wash fundraiser for Kole mission.
- Papa Amos’s wedding proposal.
Activities in 2021
- Extravagant Love Season One was held in Kikoni at M-one Studios. “Extravagant Love is an annual worship event we hold every year on 14th February,” says Anne, the wife of Papa Amos, “as a way for the youth to celebrate God’s love rather than spending time alone in their rooms waiting for dates and lots of fantasies. So since 2021, we have been doing it. We usually invite other youth from other sister churches e.g Christ Witness Ntinda”