Why Jane Foster Is Thor 2022 is the biggest question right now.
A good look at the Thor: Love And Thunder trailer will reveal to you something strange. We have a new god wielding the hammer. Her name is Jane Foster, the exgirlfriend to the Thor we originally know..
In this article, we’re going to understand why and how Jane Foster gets unraveled as The Mighty Thor.
How Did Jane Foster Become Thor In Comics?
In the Marvel comic books, Jane Foster suffered with breast cancer, then undergoes chemotherapy. In the meantime, Thor loses his worthiness to wield Mjolnir. He eventually seeks a new champion, and inspire of their break-up history, Thor selects Jane. Despite her battle with cancer, Jane eventually succeeds in wielding the powerful hammer. The question of Why Jane Foster Is Thor 2022 is half answered.
We cannot give extra details because Kampala Edge Times doesn’t engage in spoilers.

Some folks only know Jane Foster from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They may have been confused by this plot twist, but anyone who has followed Thor’s adventures in comics is most likely super excited.
MCU will definitely follow a similar script .However, you have to watch the movie for yourself to have an accurate opinion.

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It definitely sounds like Love and Thunder will be an emotional and powerful film for Natalie Portman’s character.
5 Gods In Thor Love And Thunder
1. Loki Laufeyson (Variant L1130), Asgardian God of Mischief.

2. Vishnu Narayana, Hindu God of Preservation.

3. Osiris, Egyptian God of the Underworld

4. Bast, Panther Goddess of Wakanda

5. Zeus Panhellenios, Olympian God of the Heavens.

Watch this amazing video too
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