Meet Herman Michelle, aka Nekesa Michelle The Model a young aspiring actress, and model from the Luhiya culture born on November 6th. She comes from a small family of only two siblings and is the eldest, making her responsible for setting an excellent example for her younger siblings. However, Nekesa has always dreamed of becoming a star in the entertainment industry. As a child, she participated in games, acts, and fashion shows, all with the support of her mother, who always encouraged her to follow her dreams.

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Where Does Herman Michelle Get Her Inspiration From As A Model?
Nekesa draws inspiration from Lupita Nyong’o, Hero Fitness, model Mariama Diallo, and Zeeggy Mercy, as well as her own passion for acting and modeling. She has had the opportunity to work with different brands such as Sasha Vybz, and Canan Bull, and photographers through collaborations.

Does Michelle The Model Resemble Lupita Nyong’o?
At first glance, you will notice how Nekesa closely resembles Lupita Nyong’o. Talk about her melanin-filled skin color, slender body, and elegant face and you are already describing one of the two. In case you live under a rock, Lupita Nyong’o is a Kenyan-Mexican actress who rose to fame for her Oscar-winning performance in the film “12 Years a Slave”.

She has since become a prominent figure in Hollywood, starring in major films like “Black Panther” and “Us”. Nyong’o is also known for her work as an advocate for women’s rights and diversity in the entertainment industry. She has been named one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine and has received numerous awards for her acting and humanitarian work. Here is a comparison between Nekesa and Lupita; do you think the two resemble each other?

What is unique about Herman Michelle?
What Michelle The Modelloves most about herself is that she follows her heart. Her hobbies include watching movies, doing makeup, photography, and traveling. Her biggest achievement so far has been graduating and starting her own business. She finds inspiration in being seen on screen, inspiring many who didn’t believe they could make it. Working with Eiffel models has given her the confidence to become self-driven. Nekesa advises young people that success is not handed to them on a silver plate; they must work for it. She also emphasizes that jealousy takes you nowhere since everyone has their unique path to success.
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