“Nyenge Nyenge criticism, was it a stunt? ” asked Absolom,a friend of mine .There are two cultures that Absolom lived with as a child. Separated by the river & pronunciation of the words, Baganda and Basoga share alot in common. It is for this reason that he easily learned the Lusoga language while at Mwiri.
Once in a while Absolom would do a road trip to Busoga country side on a tour,he still feels attached to the Busoga culture just like he is attached to the Buganda culture.It is on one of his recent tours that he came near the place that is going to be the venue of Nyenge Nyenge from 15th – 18 th September 2022.
Visiting Nyenge Nyenge Venue
A month ago, Absolom made a stop over at Intanda falls coincidentally the Venue for the coming Nyege Nyege festival.Preparation were in high gear setting up a wire mesh by the river side for safety of the people to attend.
His curiosity got him asking the actual meaning of the word Nyege Nyege, (Swahili for desire to have sex similar to Luganda word “kinyegenyege” for the uncontrollable desire to dance) .
Why did the organizers choose such a name and who these organisers? how is it culturally connected to the culture of Busoga . Why choose to celebrate another person’s culture in your locality?

Mr Google was as brief as our local media houses news depth.A giant telecommunications company was part of the sponsors giving it “credibility” in the eyes of the public, the question of what culture was celebrated remained unclear.
Tourism and money making opportunities have been fronted.This is a festival that has been taking place for years now.
The First Nyenge Nyenge criticism
There was a failed attempt by the late Fr Lukodo the ethics & integrity minister then sighting immorality but he did not succeed his move instead promoted the festival.The same happened when the festival that stared at not taking place was later allowed to take place.
The out cry by some members of parliament to stop it just a few days to the D-day, was another event publicity stunt guised as negative criticism. This proved that Nyenge Nyenge criticism is/was a stunt.
The curiosity that is talked of to have killed the cat is sending many there to be first hand witness to what exactly happens. Now that it has been given a green light.Known for loving fun and making merry at any given opportunity Ugandan party lovers are warming up for the event.
The “moralists” on the other hand are concerned with a past experience of festivals like “Kampala” festival that used to last for hours turning out to have many sexual activitues what is likely to happen for a festival that takes 3days & nights.
“The idea of street festivals copied from South America which has lots of spiritual rituals has many Christians and Muslims diehards concerned.” says Absoom.After the 3days’ festival, some people will be smiling to the bank,others nursing a hungover and a section of others still asking the same questions : Would you let your spouse or children attend or feel comfortable if they attended?.
( This story is based on an opinion article by Absolom Lubwama and does not reflect the ideas and values held by KET . Absolom does printing write ups, language translation and events planning. He began writing his debut novel during the first covid out break and world lockdown in 2020 with the use of a mobile phone. He is the author of Behind the storm and Marriage an African man’s perspective When he’s not writing, he offers a free hand at counseling, plays a saxophone , takes nature walks , travels taking photographs or does journaling at a coffee shop.)
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